Thirty Things I Don't Get
1. People who ride bicycles without helmets or helmets hanging on their handlebars or the straps of the helmets undone
2. Full body tattoo art
3. Self important people
4. Inconsiderateness
5. Winter
6. Victoria/BC drivers
7. People ‘liking’ their own posts on Facebook
8. Sunglasses worn on top of the head indoors
9. Ear buds/phones worn while cycling or running
10. Me, often
11. Cubicles
12. People who get upset at fart jokes
13. Non-pet lovers
14. Airport security
15. Life, often
16. Pessimism
17. People who say, “You should have” . .. .. .
18. People who talk about themselves
19. Dog poo in bags, left on the ground
20. Excess fat – on myself and others
21. Reality (Which it isn’t) tv
22. Mazda Miatas
23. People who pretend to listen, but really are merely preparing their own story
24. Purists
25. Aging
26. Women, much/most of the time
27. Cdn politicians
28. Using crosswalks while talking on cellular
29. The Simpsons
30. The Taliban, Al Queda and other murderous groups under the banner of religion
31. Whiners
32. Math . . . . .